Saturday, June 30, 2012

Will eating ruin your work out?

Food is the body’s fuel. Without fuel, your body functions a bit differently. Fuel is essential to the body because it supplies us with energy and calories that sustain us during the day. Like I said, the body will work differently in ways that you may or may not notice.
Take these examples and see which one works out the best.
Say before a work out, you have a large meal with lots of carbs and fats and proteins. Though you have consumed important nutrients that your body needs, it filled up your stomach and may have made you drowsy and feeling bloated. These are not good work out conditions.
Having no snack at all before a exercising period is the worst of all particularly worse in the morning. Worse in the morning because you have no fuel left over from earlier in the day. That puts your body is a state of still being asleep. You may not feel tired, but inside is different. You are ruining your metabolism and instead of fuel or the food you have consumed being burnt up, your fat and muscle is. Well, fat isn’t a good thing exactly. If you are fit, then the fat on your body is more like padding than extra weight.

Now, what is a good example of a healthy way to prepare for burning calories food-wise? Eating a regular sized to you snack loaded with protein, has a good amount of carbs and has plenty of calories. A good example of this is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or peanut butter. Peanut butter is good for you.
Five hour energy? Yeah, they say that you will have energy for five hours and you won’t crash and burn. You will stay awake and alert. That’s their ad. The truth? Nope, not one bit. You should just stay away because, no doubt that they have tons of sugar and really, probably don’t even work.
While you are preforming your work out or playing your sport, it is important to keep on reload on energy. There are certain things that are very necessary during practice like fluids. No, not sodas or juices.  Juices and sodas have a lot of sugars that will keep you up for a little while, but eventually, you will crash and won’t have enough energy to finish you exercise well. So what to drink? Gatorade or PowerAde or Vitamin Water or any type of sports drink? Yes, they do have energy that will keep you running during working out but, they have a lot of sugar that is not exactly healthy for you.  Water is the best for you. No, it doesn’t taste amazing, doesn’t have added energy but, it is what is best for your body.

Replenishing yourself after you are done is almost as important as eating before. You won’t ruin your workout by eating after and earning back your calories. Your body will need those calories and it will be healthier for you. A good after snack is probably the same a a good before snack. Protein and carbs need to be reloaded back into your system.
The next time you work out, keep in mind you are trying to make yourself healthier so you need to take all the steps to make sure it is the best for you. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

To cut or to not cut...

Ever wanted a new change for summer? Tanner, thinner, going swimming more, new styles?

New styles? Sounds intriguing and refreshing to end the school year. I thought so as well.

Really, I have been going back and forth all year about whether or whether not to cut my hair short. It actually would be shorter because according to my mom, where I wanted to cut it off ( around 9 inches off) was still long.

I wanted to cut, as said before, around nine inches off so it would be at my mid shoulder/just under my shoulder. My hair was (yes notice I said 'was') at my belly button/ waist area. So mid shoulder, was a big change.

Within the past year, my cap has fallen off during some big races and affected my while finish the race...with my hair covering my face. :) Anyways, my coach has always teased me a bit about it and completely supports cutting it shorter.

As I said, I have been being fickle about it all year, not being able to decide to cut my long hair.

 Eventually, on my last day of school, I cut it. At first, I made a mark where I wanted my hair to be: a little lower than my shoulders. My hair was wet and when my mom finally cut the first chunk, it was shorter than I felt quite comfortable with, but decided I could get used to it and gave her the okay.

As she snipped away at my hair I have kept close, my head got lighter and lighter with the weight  taken off (my hair).

My hair was so damaged at the ends and once it was finished, my mom remarked that it looked so much healthier. I agreed. One thing that we overlooked is when hair drys, in shortens considerably. So as it dried off and I straightened it, we both realized that, wow, that was a lot more than just below-shoulder.

I, again, agreed.

At the moment I couldn't decide if I liked it or it was just too different, Throughout the day I got used to it and even today, I am still considering if I miss it. It will grow back eventually.

I got a lot of comments regarding about how much people liked my hair throughout the next two days though so people said that they would miss it.

So, who knows? I may keep it this length.

Now coloring?

It may damage your hair but it is important to take care of your hair. I am wondering if I should dye all my hair darker then add some honey and auburn/red highlights, but I don't really know. Making them permanent, can have consequences. But whats the goods in making it go away after a certain amount of washes?

This takes a great amount of thought process before doing, but its going to be a new year. Take some risks to find out what is and looks best for you.

Signing off,
SeattleSwimGirl waiting for our summer sun and heat to extinguish this rain, wet, cold weather.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Welcome back to another sad day in the Puget Sound area. The gray clouds that cover the sky are filled with rain waiting to rain down.
So what do you feel like doing today? Sitting back and relaxing? Maybe baking cookies? Taking a nap or sleeping in? Me? I would love to do all those things instead of getting up at 4:30 for practice, sitting n a wet suit to go to summer league practice then having to wait at the pool for my little brother to be done. *Sigh…

What are you committed to doing this summer? I am, I guess, committed to swimming.

I know a little off topic, but I have no idea what to write about. So I will give you a short little story about my injuries growing up.

When I was in second grade, I broke a bone for the first time. I broke my arm at the elbow and had to get surgery. Going back to the time that I actually broke it, it was at my elementary school playground on the spider dome. I was at the top and I really don’t remember how I fell, but suddenly I was on the ground in a heap, still shocked that I fell. Then I started crying because my arm hurt so badly.

Spider dome... :P   Source: Spider Domes/ Playground tools

Eventually I had to go to the health room and the called my mother. From there she took me to the doctor’s office. I had a few x-rays and it turned out, I had broken my first bone.

We drove to the Children’s hospital while in the back seat thinking about how totally uncool and col that I had a broken bone. I found out if I hold my wrist, it hurt less, which I figured out was good because my elbow wasn’t exactly supporting my arm anymore. So we walked into the emergency room and it turns out, they don’t have room to do my surgery. So they wrap up my arm and give me sling to last through the nght.

In the morning, we went to the hospital again and turns out, I had to have surgery.

This is kinda boring, but fast-forward, I ended  up with a bulky full hand to shoulder cast. Now  I thought this was pretty impressive when I was little, but as time went on, i broke my wrist a couple more times and wore a splint for a few weeks. Point is, spider domes are dangerous. 

My older brother (not my younger) and I together have broken a lot of bones, and hopefully, none to come. However, what little damage we caused to ourselves, this is nothing compared to our cousins family. My uncle recently broke his leg/femur/pelvic bone area and is limited from walking for a while...because of motocross. Dangerous ehh?

Moral of the story: be safe this summer :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! :D You gotta love it

I love food, period.

Being a swimmer and burning tons and tons of calories and fats off each day, I can each pretty much everything I want without watching my diet. Unless my mother says I can't.

I will eat pretty much everything. I only dislike a few food items. Let's look at my favorites.

I can't exactly say what I love most or put them in order, but I have my favorites. Here is a list (not in order of favorites if you didn't get that.)

(* means preferably mothers of fathers recipe/making)

  1.  Green Sauce Enchiladas*
  2. Shrimp
  3. Lasagna
  4. BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches*
  5. Meatloaf
  6. Burgers
  7. Flank Steak with Coleslaw*
  8. Beef Ale Stew*
  9. Corn on the Cob
  10. Pineapple
  11. Salami
  12. Pepperoni
  13. Sushi 
  14. Watermelon
  15. Pear
  16. Hot Dogs
  17. Pepperoni Pizza
  18. Breakfast Sausage
  19. Cinnamon Rolls
  20. Eggs Benedict
  21. Pancakes
  22. Gravy and Biscuits\
  23. a food, can be eaten 
  24. Vanilla Yogurt
  25. Cherry Yogurt
  26. ALL YOGURT!! 

And those are only what I can think of right now. And, of course, dessert/sweets is food as well. So here we go...

  1. Chocolate Cake ( the one from Costco :))
  2. Carrot Cake
  3. Strawberry and Rhubarb Pie
  4. Cherry Pie
  5. Lemon Meringue Pie 
  6. Berry Cobbler
  7. Cheesecake*
  9. Caramels
  10. Chocolates
  11. Skittles
  12. Twix
  13. Kit Kat Bars
  14. Sour Punch 
  15. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

And I can assure you, there is so much more!

Drinks! You have to have something to wash down that amazing burger you just ate at Red Robin.

  1. Strawberry Lemonade (with strawberry chunks...Red Robin is probably the best I have ever had :)) 
  2. Raspberry Lemonade
  3. Regular Lemonade
  4. Root Beer
  5. Grape Sprite ( from Five Guys)
  6. Grape Soda
  7. Ginger Ale
  8. Dr. Pepper
  9. Coke
  10. Pepsi
  11. Slushy (of any kind)
  12. And pretty much any soda at Five Guys :)

Now everybody hates that one thing and thinks it taste and smells disgusting. I do not have a ton, but here it goes. >.<

  1. At times, mushrooms
  2. Peppers
  3. Hard Boiled Eggs 
  4. Deviled Eggs 
There must be some others....can't think of any right now though :p

Comment if you absolutely love something or despise something greatly :)

This Seattle food lover <3 

Beautiful Summer Weather

Oops, skipped a day. Oh well, needed it.

Welcome to summer in Seattle. The sun is gleaming and you can go out wearing flip-flops, shorts, and a tank top. True summer weather, wouldn't you agree?

Oh I wish what was above. Let me welcome you to Seattle summer today. Rain pouring down in buckets with the wind shaking the drops collected on the trees down in big plops. You can hear the thunder in the background over my music playing as I write this post.

Ahh looks familiar        Source: Heather Murphy-Raines 

Yesterday and a few days before that it was bright and sunny and hopeful that we were going to have another good summer this year...maybe?

Every once in a while the lights will flicker. Well, its windy so maybe a chance for a blackout? It is already miserable and wet, of course, outside so blackouts can e fun sometimes.

I mean like, what the heck, how do you deal with this weather this far in the year on June 23? Its not February is it? 

*Sigh...what can you do about it?

Signing off,
A hopeful Seattlite

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 2

Welcome back! SeattleSwimGirl here.

I don't know if you know (actually I do know you know ), but I have two brothers. They would not be my first choice of my most favorite people but, I guess I have to stick with them. My older one is 15 years old and my younger one is 7 years old or something like that ;).

My younger brother on the left, older on the right and me in the middle :)
Source: United States Of Motherhood
Anyways, here is a little bit of info about them.

I would have to say that I am more like my older brother than my younger brother. We both swim competitively and are in the top of our age groups for it. Our best events are kinda the same; mine being long distance, backstroke, and a little bit of long IM and same with him. We are both okay with sprints.

We definitely look more like each other than my little brother. However, you can't really tell since his hair is so chlorine damaged. We also both get along more with each other than my younger brother.

Now my little brother is kind of the odd one out in the family. First of all, he looks nothing like any of us including my extended family for the most part. He also used to so swimming, but then quit. Now, he is a football player and the rest of the family (or at least my older brother and I) think football is a dumb sport that doesn't really get you anywhere in life. My mother and father, I guess, would disagree.

Another topic is that football players think they are so cool and think they are the popular 'jocks' when they practice two times a week versus nine times a week for a swimmer such as me. Oh well...

Sometimes I wish I had a younger sister. In fact, when I was younger I really wanted a younger sister. I cannot believe how wrong that was to want :). I could not a imagine the horror of having yet another sibling.

My mother grew up have 5 other siblings (four sister and one brother...poor guy must have been tortured). Now, one of my aunts (mom's sister) has seven kids and really wants more. All of my other aunts (except the one on my dad side) have at least three kids and as far as I know, want more.

My point above is that growing up, my mom must of had it a lot worse and I am immensely grateful there isn't another kid running around in this house.

I think that family pets can be just as good ( I actually mean better... :)) as siblings. "Better?", you say? Yup. Better because they are nicer, sometimes fuzzy and softer, loyal...and can't talk. Below is a picture of MY old kitten looking mischievous and then under that is the picture of my best old puppy in the world :)

My lovely kitty Lulu Source: United States Of Motherhood

My favorite 'brother' Sebbie <3

Live. Laugh. Love.
Enjoy Mother.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 1

This is my first blog post ever so don't judge. Welcome to my life. I'm a Seattle girl who is a competitive swimmer and has been most of her life. This is my first day of summer (woo-hoo for getting through seventh grade) and I am looking forward to the shining sun. Yes, though I live in rainy and gray Seattle, in the summer, usually the suns rays aren't interrupted by the clouds that loiter around our horizon.

There are a lot of swimmers in the Pacific Northwest Swimming Region (PNS). I'm on the #1 team in PNS. Some say soccer is not a sport, ballet isn't a sport, and recently, to my uttermost shock, I heard swimming is not a sport. It is just where people swim back and forth again and again going faster and faster every time. Yeah, it looks the same every time. Every time to people who don't understand or enjoy the sport. I am a 100% dedicated to the sport of swimming. I experience swimming every day and I can tell you for a fact that every lap is different. Racing is the same but, different as the same as any other sport. The frigid water rushing past you as if it was the wind. The feeling of accomplishment as you slam you hand against the wall is as amazing as scaling a mountain. There are so many sensations in a race that a thousand words would not be suffice to explain...its a tough life :). 

This is Where I Swim: King County Aquatic Center      Image Source: KCAC

So what do I do during the summer? Besides swimming, of course. I tan, hang out with my best friends, and try to have as much fun as possible. I only have five summers left until college to put it into perspective. So much of the year is sitting in a boring stuffy classroom learning about subjects you may or may not forget about during summer. You really never know. My mom wants me to maintain my ability to learn, write, read and complete math equations and problems so she gives me 'homework'. And there goes my summer-twisting in the wind just barely out of my fingers grasp. I continue my math skills on Real fun right (totally sarcastic)?

My goals during the summer? Going with the swimming wave, how about getting 5 first places at PNS swimming champion meet? I am already on the top eight 11-12 girls in the Northwest, so nothing wrong with working my way up to the top.

 Since I am one of the top eight girls, I have the privilege to go the North American Challenge Cup or NACC. It is being held in Edmonton, Canada and my brother and a few other selected swimmers are going as well. My goal at that would be to get first place overall in at least one event. My most likely one is probably in backstroke or in the mile.

Now this may be ridiculous, but I want to be tanner. My mom says I will get skin cancer one day. Problems for later in life, not living-in-the-moment life. Also, though in the last 48 hours I have been to five practice (four of which have been two hours and one 45 minutes), I want to run at least two miles everyday. So far thats all I have but wait for an update, I may think of more.

My first over. How did I do, Mother? :)