Monday, June 25, 2012


Welcome back to another sad day in the Puget Sound area. The gray clouds that cover the sky are filled with rain waiting to rain down.
So what do you feel like doing today? Sitting back and relaxing? Maybe baking cookies? Taking a nap or sleeping in? Me? I would love to do all those things instead of getting up at 4:30 for practice, sitting n a wet suit to go to summer league practice then having to wait at the pool for my little brother to be done. *Sigh…

What are you committed to doing this summer? I am, I guess, committed to swimming.

I know a little off topic, but I have no idea what to write about. So I will give you a short little story about my injuries growing up.

When I was in second grade, I broke a bone for the first time. I broke my arm at the elbow and had to get surgery. Going back to the time that I actually broke it, it was at my elementary school playground on the spider dome. I was at the top and I really don’t remember how I fell, but suddenly I was on the ground in a heap, still shocked that I fell. Then I started crying because my arm hurt so badly.

Spider dome... :P   Source: Spider Domes/ Playground tools

Eventually I had to go to the health room and the called my mother. From there she took me to the doctor’s office. I had a few x-rays and it turned out, I had broken my first bone.

We drove to the Children’s hospital while in the back seat thinking about how totally uncool and col that I had a broken bone. I found out if I hold my wrist, it hurt less, which I figured out was good because my elbow wasn’t exactly supporting my arm anymore. So we walked into the emergency room and it turns out, they don’t have room to do my surgery. So they wrap up my arm and give me sling to last through the nght.

In the morning, we went to the hospital again and turns out, I had to have surgery.

This is kinda boring, but fast-forward, I ended  up with a bulky full hand to shoulder cast. Now  I thought this was pretty impressive when I was little, but as time went on, i broke my wrist a couple more times and wore a splint for a few weeks. Point is, spider domes are dangerous. 

My older brother (not my younger) and I together have broken a lot of bones, and hopefully, none to come. However, what little damage we caused to ourselves, this is nothing compared to our cousins family. My uncle recently broke his leg/femur/pelvic bone area and is limited from walking for a while...because of motocross. Dangerous ehh?

Moral of the story: be safe this summer :)

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