Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 2

Welcome back! SeattleSwimGirl here.

I don't know if you know (actually I do know you know ), but I have two brothers. They would not be my first choice of my most favorite people but, I guess I have to stick with them. My older one is 15 years old and my younger one is 7 years old or something like that ;).

My younger brother on the left, older on the right and me in the middle :)
Source: United States Of Motherhood
Anyways, here is a little bit of info about them.

I would have to say that I am more like my older brother than my younger brother. We both swim competitively and are in the top of our age groups for it. Our best events are kinda the same; mine being long distance, backstroke, and a little bit of long IM and same with him. We are both okay with sprints.

We definitely look more like each other than my little brother. However, you can't really tell since his hair is so chlorine damaged. We also both get along more with each other than my younger brother.

Now my little brother is kind of the odd one out in the family. First of all, he looks nothing like any of us including my extended family for the most part. He also used to so swimming, but then quit. Now, he is a football player and the rest of the family (or at least my older brother and I) think football is a dumb sport that doesn't really get you anywhere in life. My mother and father, I guess, would disagree.

Another topic is that football players think they are so cool and think they are the popular 'jocks' when they practice two times a week versus nine times a week for a swimmer such as me. Oh well...

Sometimes I wish I had a younger sister. In fact, when I was younger I really wanted a younger sister. I cannot believe how wrong that was to want :). I could not a imagine the horror of having yet another sibling.

My mother grew up have 5 other siblings (four sister and one brother...poor guy must have been tortured). Now, one of my aunts (mom's sister) has seven kids and really wants more. All of my other aunts (except the one on my dad side) have at least three kids and as far as I know, want more.

My point above is that growing up, my mom must of had it a lot worse and I am immensely grateful there isn't another kid running around in this house.

I think that family pets can be just as good ( I actually mean better... :)) as siblings. "Better?", you say? Yup. Better because they are nicer, sometimes fuzzy and softer, loyal...and can't talk. Below is a picture of MY old kitten looking mischievous and then under that is the picture of my best old puppy in the world :)

My lovely kitty Lulu Source: United States Of Motherhood

My favorite 'brother' Sebbie <3

Live. Laugh. Love.
Enjoy Mother.

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