Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 1

This is my first blog post ever so don't judge. Welcome to my life. I'm a Seattle girl who is a competitive swimmer and has been most of her life. This is my first day of summer (woo-hoo for getting through seventh grade) and I am looking forward to the shining sun. Yes, though I live in rainy and gray Seattle, in the summer, usually the suns rays aren't interrupted by the clouds that loiter around our horizon.

There are a lot of swimmers in the Pacific Northwest Swimming Region (PNS). I'm on the #1 team in PNS. Some say soccer is not a sport, ballet isn't a sport, and recently, to my uttermost shock, I heard swimming is not a sport. It is just where people swim back and forth again and again going faster and faster every time. Yeah, it looks the same every time. Every time to people who don't understand or enjoy the sport. I am a 100% dedicated to the sport of swimming. I experience swimming every day and I can tell you for a fact that every lap is different. Racing is the same but, different as the same as any other sport. The frigid water rushing past you as if it was the wind. The feeling of accomplishment as you slam you hand against the wall is as amazing as scaling a mountain. There are so many sensations in a race that a thousand words would not be suffice to explain...its a tough life :). 

This is Where I Swim: King County Aquatic Center      Image Source: KCAC

So what do I do during the summer? Besides swimming, of course. I tan, hang out with my best friends, and try to have as much fun as possible. I only have five summers left until college to put it into perspective. So much of the year is sitting in a boring stuffy classroom learning about subjects you may or may not forget about during summer. You really never know. My mom wants me to maintain my ability to learn, write, read and complete math equations and problems so she gives me 'homework'. And there goes my summer-twisting in the wind just barely out of my fingers grasp. I continue my math skills on Real fun right (totally sarcastic)?

My goals during the summer? Going with the swimming wave, how about getting 5 first places at PNS swimming champion meet? I am already on the top eight 11-12 girls in the Northwest, so nothing wrong with working my way up to the top.

 Since I am one of the top eight girls, I have the privilege to go the North American Challenge Cup or NACC. It is being held in Edmonton, Canada and my brother and a few other selected swimmers are going as well. My goal at that would be to get first place overall in at least one event. My most likely one is probably in backstroke or in the mile.

Now this may be ridiculous, but I want to be tanner. My mom says I will get skin cancer one day. Problems for later in life, not living-in-the-moment life. Also, though in the last 48 hours I have been to five practice (four of which have been two hours and one 45 minutes), I want to run at least two miles everyday. So far thats all I have but wait for an update, I may think of more.

My first over. How did I do, Mother? :)


  1. Very, very good except that Tanning BS. Nope, tanning is not a profession unless you want to look like a leathery baseball mitt by the time you are 30! Use your head, silly!


  2. Nice goals. Go easy on the tanning.
